IMG_1449We recently went on a trip to an an ancient city called Zamora. Zamora has a huge river and lots of wild life. It also has a castle built on top of roman ruins. We were walking around the city when we heard this funky clicking sound coming from the top of a church and we saw a huge nest with two white birds. We later found out that they were white storks. Then they made the clicking sound again and from another place we heard the same sound we found out that there was a another nest on top of a church right next to us and then some stuff happened that would be rated R​.

Did you know that storks can live up to 30 years old? Some even live to be 40 years old. The white storks make the clicking sound is used as communication. One reason they were clicking is because they could have been warning other storks that we were there.  It may also be because it is their breeding and nesting season. 

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